About Us

Lori Ives, CFP®

Certified Financial Planner® professional

Growing up on a fifth-generation dairy farm in Eastern Ontario, in addition to learning the value of hard work, also instilled in me the "savings" ethic, as I was raised to only "spend what I could afford".

After graduating from Queen’s University, my desire to help others combined with my interest in personal finance, led me to pursue a career as a financial planner. I employ an educational approach to planning and investing to ensure you have the knowledge and skills to be the steward of your own success.

I believe there are several key elements necessary to achieve financial heath:

  • A client/advisor relationship built around trust
  • Establishing clear goals and objectives
  • Comprehending differences in account types and why it matters (RRSP, TFSA, LIRA, RESP, etc.)
  • Understanding taxation and its impact at various life stages
  • Patient, disciplined investing, ensuring rational thought, not emotions rule
  • Regular contact and meetings to identify life changes

I have been an independent advisor for over 25 years and am free to provide unbiased research and advice, and to ensure recommendations best suited for you. I am committed to delivering great service. Finally, and most importantly, I am dependable to create a customized approach to help you achieve your personal financial objectives.

Call to arrange an appointment to see if I am a "good fit" for you.